By Robin | June 30, 2017

Our Favorite Instagrammers – @dapperincolumbus

Name: Chris Berry
Instagram Name: @dapperincolumbus
Amount of followers: 4114
Age: 27
Residence: Columbus, Ohio
Occupation: UX Designer

I’m Chris, a User Experience Designer from Columbus, Ohio. I have always had a passion for art and technology. Choosing this career has allowed me to bridge those two worlds. While I was born and raised in rural Ohio, I have always loved and preferred the diversity and energy of the city. Which is why after graduating from Ohio University in Athens I settled down in the heart of Columbus: the Short North.

I feel like I’m just starting to get comfortable with who I am and where I’m at in life. I think that has begun to work its way into my style.

To be honest what keeps me awake at night is the direction my country is heading. I won’t get too political here but I really hate how intolerant people have become.

My favorite hotspot would be the Short North and the whole downtown area. Columbus has always been great but as re-urbanization has taken hold it has gone up a-whole-(n)other level. My favorite food joint is Hot Chicken Takeover in the North Market. As the name suggests, they serve Nashville hot chicken and it is definitely some of the best food in town.

Aside from my career and clothing, photography is my largest passion. I’ve been shooting for nearly 15 years and is actually one of the reasons I got into Instagram.


Our Favorite Instagrammers - @dapperincolumbus


  1. Why do you share your outfits? And why Instagram?

I have a huge respect for good craftsmanship. Right now Instagram is the best place to share this passion with others. It’s where I was inspired and it’s my hope my feed can help do the same for others.


  1. What makes your Instagram feed so special?

I don’t think of my Instagram as being anything special but I do strive for quality photography on my feed. I also try to be as sociable as possible. I’m not on Instagram to stand on a soapbox and not participate in conversation, I’m there to connect. I hope that comes across in my feed.


  1. Where does your inspiration come from?

History and blue collar passion for hard work. While I know my job isn’t blue collar, I very much appreciate both the craftsman who originally created many men’s fashion staples as well as the workers/soldiers/outdoorsmen who wore them. My favorite pieces are one’s that have a rich history in their design.


Our Favorite Instagrammers - @dapperincolumbus


  1. Where does your love for denim come from? When did it start?

To be honest, my love of denim it is very new, maybe a little over a year. For years I bought only Levi’s 511s and wore whatever random t-shirt or button up I had in my closet. Roughly two years ago I purchased my first pair of Red Wings. That purchase opened my eyes. It was then that I realized the value of quality. I began following folks like @lahmansbeard and @johanmalik and joined subreddits like /r/goodyearwelt and /r/rawdenim. Soon after that I fell hard for raw and selvedge. Over the past year I’ve accumulated 8 pairs of quality denim and couldn’t be happier with those purchases.


  1. Your top 3 favorite (denim)brands?

Livid – their attention to detail is top-notch and the fit is the best I’ve experienced.

Pure Blue Japan – my favorite denim fabric by far. There’s just nothing like it.

SoSo – there’s just something very cool about designing your perfect pair of jeans piece by piece.


  1. What is your favorite accessory?

It’s a tough call, but I’d probably say my Tanner Goods Workman Wallet. After my Red Wings it was one of my first quality purchases. I love how the patina has developed over time. Each day it looks a bit better than the last.


Our Favorite Instagrammers - @dapperincolumbus


  1. What items do you wear the most at the moment?

My Livid denim, I can just FEEL the quality as I’m wearing them. My 3sixteen Indigo Bandana workshirt, theirs fits are perfect for me. And c’mon it’s indigo, what more do you want.


  1. What is your favorite shop? And what is your favorite webstore?

Artisan Deluxe for both answers. The folks who work at that shop really know their stuff and their passion is contagious. They can tell you what goes into each piece and what makes it special.


Our Favorite Instagrammers - @dapperincolumbus


  1. Do you care about the production process?

Absolutely, I believe you get what you pay for and I don’t mean just in the quality final product but in the socioeconomic sense as well.


  1. What are your dreams for the future?

I’m happy to see where life takes me.  I’ve toyed around with becoming a “maker” at some point. I’m not sure what exactly I’d make but there’s nothing more satisfying than creating.


Our Favorite Instagrammers - @dapperincolumbus