By Robin | September 01, 2017

Our Favorite Instagrammers – @leatherdenimboots

Name: Brock Johnson
Instagram Name: @Leatherdenimboots
Amount of followers: 676
Age: 26
Residence: Gresham, OR. USA
Occupation: Locomotive Engineer/ Thru freight Conductor

Hi there, I’m Brock. I live in the outskirts of Portland Oregon. I Married my high school sweetheart at the ripe old age of 21. We now have two beautiful boys; River who is 3 and Scout who’s first birthday is the 8th of August. I love my Family and always keep them in the forefront of my heart. When I’m not hanging with them or working on our little 3-acre homestead where we keep chickens and Bees I’m searching for fun and thrills! I played many years of Ice Hockey, I enjoy backpacking, all board sports, and I’ve recently started competing in Triathlons. I just completed my first Olympic Triathlon and my first century Bike ride, I look forward to many more.




  1. Why do you share your outfits? And why Instagram?

I have two Instagram accounts, my personal one (@brock_j) and this one. I only created @leatherdenimboots after my wife began to get annoyed at the pictures I started posting of boots, jeans, and leather goods.. if you look at the first three pictures in my feed you’ll see a leather wallet, some Levi’s, and a pair of Iron Rangers. I think that’s where the name came from. The reason I started posting these kinds of pictures was for the enjoyment of watching the evolution of my ‘new hobby’ that quickly turned into an obsession of all things that are made well and made to last.


  1. What makes your Instagram feed so special?

I wouldn’t call my feed particularly special.. What makes it special to me is the fact that everything I post with the exception here and there is a picture of something I have worn or used.


  1. Where does your inspiration come from?

What really inspires me is when I see a pair of boots or jeans or any article of clothing that has truly been put to the test. For example; Ruedi Karrer’s 25oz Iron Hearts with 999 days of wear, @kingyuyiu’s insane Lee101Zs, or @nizzel55x’s IH666SII and his 4 year old workman wallet… the list goes on.




  1. Where does your love for denim come from? When did it start?

My love for Denim actually started after I bought my first pair of Redwing Iron Rangers in September of 2014. To me they were amazing, I’d never owned a pair of boots built so well and it really sparked an interest inside me towards goods that are built to last. I know redwings aren’t the top of the line by any means and some would scoff at comment of them being well built. For me, they do their job and they do it well. That’s what makes a good product great in my eyes. After that I bought a cheap pair of unsanforized Levi’s then quickly (8months of wear later) dove into the world of heavyweight Denim with the IH666XHS and I’ve never looked back.


  1. Your top 3 favorite (denim)brands?

1 – Iron Heart for sure! I’m not really sure why but I was drawn to the brand during my initial research into the Denim world so I joined the Iron Heart forum. From my interactions with the fine people at IH through the forum I have really grown fond of not only their high quality garments but their dedication to customer satisfaction.

2 – Grease Point Workwear. Although I don’t own any GPWW yet it has quickly become a favorite of mine. Amos Culbertson has an amazing attention to detail and he’s not afraid to add functionality to his pieces. I also love the fact that he is basically a one man show and he is based out of Seattle, WA not far from Portland. Someday I will own a pair of his work jeans and I will wear them with pride!

3 –  Companion Denim. Another brand that I don’t own any pieces from but a brand that I think has really made a name for themselves. There can’t be a much better feeling than pulling on a pair of completely custom jeans with that amount of craftsmanship and detail.


  1. What is your favorite accessory?

Right now my favorite accessory is my brand new Tanner Goods Legacy Card Holder. I picked it up when I dropped off my old workman wallet for repairs. It really makes a great little wallet!




  1. Which items do you wear most at the moment?

I have been wearing my IH634DD all summer as my work jeans because of the heat and I pretty much wear them every day which has resulted in lots of soaks and washes. I have also put a lot of wear on a pair of Nudie jeans that I had hemmed into shorts 🙂


  1. What is your favorite shop? And what is your favorite webstore?

I think my favorite shop would have to be Selfedge PDX the guys there are always super helpful and every time I go in I end up hanging out for a while and having great conversation. They also have some really rad product!

Favorite web store – IH for sure.




  1. Do you care about the production process?

The production process is something that I unfortunately don’t know much about. However I do wish to learn more.


  1. What are your dreams for the future?

My future dreams are to grow my family and to be able to spend as much time with them as I can. I am also looking forward to the upcoming DWC. I’ve never participated and I plan on entering my PIH5DCT.

