Our Favorite Instagrammers – @dry_luke
Name: Lukas
Instagram Name: @dry_luke
Amount of followers: 1304
Age: 27
Residence: Köln, Germany
Occupation: Music student / musician
Hi everyone, my name is Lukas. I am 27 years old and I live in the vicinity of Köln, where I study saxophone. My biggest passions are music and the saxophone. These also keep me busy during the day. Rehearsing, practicing and a bit of organizing is my daily routine, all about raw denim of course ;-).
Besides music I like a good cup of coffee and every now and then a glass of Weizenbier.
Why do you share your outfits? And why Instagram?
I am still relatively new to Instagram and I started by showing the evolution of my Benzaks. Through posting, I got in touch with the denim community and that inspired me a lot and has kept me going ever since.
Why Instagram? The community and support are one of a kind. So many different people from all over the globe with a common passion for quality clothing and raw denim. That is super cool!
What makes your Instagram feed so special?
I do not know. I do not regard it as special either. Frankly, I just post what I like about denim and other quality clothes.
Where does your inspiration come from?
My inspiration comes from other denimheads on instagram like @hansjellema, @michael.ow.en, @vinyl66, @shibooee, and @sel.vage, to name a few. Always great to see what those guys post and wear.
Where does your love for denim come from? When did it start?
It all started many years ago. I have always loved denim and most of the time I have always worn denim. But for a very long period of time I did not know about dry and selvedge fabrics. That changed around 4 years ago when I saw a nudie jeans advertisement in a big German shopping mall. Soon after that I bought my first pair of drys. A black non-selvedge pair of Grim Tim’s. Because I was an exchange student in Amsterdam at that time I wanted my second pair to be related to Amsterdam and through Hans‘ Instagram I got introduced to Benzak Denim Developers! After having saved up some money I made a visit to Lennaert’s studio in Amsterdam and picked up the deep indigos in July last year.
Your top 3 favorite (denim)brands?
Benzak has to be my number one. My deep indigos made me fall in love with Japanese dry selvedge denim. Furthermore, I think that Benzak offers the full package! Great fit, superb quality and awesome fabrics. Great brand owned by a super chill guy who really knows his stuff.
My number two is Truman Boot Company. Besides denim I am a big sucker for leather boots. Truman is a small brand from Boulder in Colorado. They really make incredible boots from the top leathers around, taking their time to create the best possible boot.
3sixteen: What makes 3sixteen so special is that they offer so many great things, like denim, jackets, flannels and shirts. All of the highest standards.
What is your favorite accessory?
My watch. I have always dreamed of owning a watch from my birth year. After having searched a long time and after an even longer time saving up I found my dream watch earlier this year and will never let it go.
Which items do you wear most at the moment?
Everywhere I go I always have three things with me: my Benzak’s, my saxophone and my watch. A lot of things change but those are with me day after day…
What is your favorite shop? And what is your favorite webstore?
Stuff in Düsseldorf. By far the best shop in Germany. Operated by the coolest and most stylish guys around (@thomas.von.stuff and @jan.von.stuff).
They have a great selection of denim, boots, shirts etc. Even if you don’t buy anything, you are always welcome for a chat and a good espresso.
My favorite web store is Cultizm. They have an incredible selection of all things regarding denim. I have already been browsing through their website for an incredibly long time.
Do you care about the production process?
I do! I even think it is essential. You only get the best possible product if each part of the production chain is thought of. That is what sets the great brands apart from the ‘mass brands’ out there. Besides, I want to get paid fairly for my job and I also want to pay others fairly for theirs. „Buy less by buying better“ sums it up pretty well I think.
What are your dreams for the future?
Start a family with my wife. On a smaller scale, I would love to go and see the Amsterdam denim days and meet other Instagram denim heads in real life.