November’s Favorites
With only 14 days left until Christmas, it is the perfect time to treat yourself to an indigo dyed present. That pair of boots which is already on your ‘must-have’ list for so long, or a new pair of jeans to start breaking-in in 2018. While you are still considering what you should surprise yourself with, swing by at the new Clobbercalm Supply Co. Hosted by our friend Ben a.k.a. @clobbercalm, this store is offering an incredible selection of indigo dyed garments and boots.
On the 13th of November, we introduced our weekly recurring series ‘The Fabric Called Denim’. With a short, sweet article every week, we are closely looking into the denim fabric. With our article about cotton, the most important raw material for making a pair of jeans, we officially kicked-off the series. After which we looked into Ginning & Spinning, Indigo dyeing, and Weaving. Next week, we will look into the three mainly used fabric twills, so keep an eye out for the updates.
Okay, final note before we head over to November’s favorites. Just a few days ago, we published the BENZAK x CULTIZM x ROBIN DENIM Contest Page, and at the same time nine great photos of the first month. With over 400 photos to choose from, it wasn’t an easy job to find only 9 photos to feature, and we weren’t the only ones having a hard time. To quote our VIP Denim star judge Ruedi: ‘I would love to give all raw denim contestants the first place’. So, if you haven’t already seen the Contest Page, hit this link.
Ladies and gentleman, please enjoy Novembers Favorites …
5. @heddels_fades
4. @toomanypants
3. @fishermansng
2. @fashionbutut2nd
1. Denim Society Thailand