Our Favorite Instagrammers – johanmalik80
Name: Johan Malik
Instagram Name: @johanmalik80
Amount of followers: 24.8K
Age: 35
Residence: Jakarta, Indonesia
Occupation: Business Owner
Hi folks, I hope you’re all doing well. Let me introduce myself: I am Johan Malik, father of a beautiful daughter :). I like fashion, especially denim, boots and rugged style. I work at my own oil & gas company. Everyday is for me about denim and boots. And you know what, I almost never wear ‘slick shoes’ during my daily activities, since mining areas are not exactly the ‘red carpet’ type of place to wear those shoes, rather there’s just mud and pipes, haha.
I like American food, like steaks, burgers, salads and many more. My favorite restaurant is ‘Outback’, they’re experts in American steak and it is always so tasty. okay I am getting hungry now, haha.. When it comes to Indonesian food I like ‘Tongseng’. This dish is made from lamb with a seasoning from various spices from Indonesia such as: garlic, onion, turmeric, green tomatoes and some other spices, and then everything gets fried in coconut milk, yummy! I also love cooking at home, you really should taste my dishes, à la chef ‘Johan’!
- Why do you share your outfits?
I think Instagram is the right social media to share my passion. It enables me to connect with so many new friends and persons that share the same hobbies and passions (denim, boots, leather goods and many more), but also with manufacturers, artisans and craftsmen from all over the world creating so many incredible things! I thank Instagram to have given me the opportunities I have today!
- What makes your Instagram feed so special?
I don’t have a secret to make it special, I just share what I like and use hashtags with brands I wear, that’s it! Perhaps there is one thing after all, I think it is the most important actually, I always reply to comments.
- Where does your inspiration come from?
I take my inspiration from Japanese and American classic styles. I am very much into these types of rugged styles. On Instagram there are several persons who inspire me. For example; @selvedge1, @doppki, @bvo_66 and @imunit.
- Where does your love for denim come from? When did it start?
When I was in high school I wore my first denim (Levi’s 501). Really loved it, every weekend I wore it whilst hanging out together with friends and driving a motorcycle.
- Your top 3 favorite (denim)brands?
My favorite brands are all brands from Japan. Namely, The flathead, Oni Denim and Iron Heart. I admire these Japanese brands because their fabrics never disappoint me. And I am not the only one because almost all denim brands in the world seem to be orientated towards Japan.
- What is your favorite accessory?
My favorite accessories are a leather belt and a bracelet from the Indonesian leather brand Voyej. Besides that, I really like my Omega and Seiko SKX009 watch.
- What items do you wear the most at the moment?
At the moment I wear my 14.5 Shockoe denim every day. This jeans is, despite its thickness, very comfortable.
- What is your favorite shop?
When it comes to my favorite stores, I cannot just pick one. I really like the store Limbro at the Central Park Mall in Jakarta. I also like the Lee store at the Pondok Indah 2 Mall and Standart Denim at Plaza Senayan, both in Jakarta.
Online, I like to go through all the unique and cool stuff on Ebay.
- Do you care about the production process?
Yes, the production process is very important to me. For example; denim, I want to know everything about the manufacturing process, the way the cotton is spun into the fabric and the way the jeans is finished. I think this is important because the way it’s made will affect the quality of the jeans.
- What are your dreams for the future?
Haha, this is my favorite question! In the future I hope to become more famous on Instagram, Lol 🙂 I hope that someday I can have my own denim or boots brand. I hope these dreams will come true someday. Besides these dreams I want to buy all Redwing boots series, haha =)